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The 5 Principles Of Web Design

Successful web design involves much more than simply making sure your website looks good on all devices and browsers. Your entire business is reflected in your website, so you’ll want to make sure that your website’s design is consistent with your brand identity, caters to the needs of your target audience, and accurately conveys the most important information about your company or product. These five principles will help you build an effective web design that follows these guidelines and appeals to as many of your target market’s senses as possible.


Section 1 – Layout


The Layout is how you organize your website. It’s important to design a layout that people can navigate easily and reach what they are looking for quickly. Users should always be able to quickly find what they are looking for on your website and then easily get back to where they were before. A good layout will create a foundation for your website, while a bad layout will make it difficult or impossible for users to reach their goals. Section 2 – Navigation: Once a visitor has reached your website, navigation allows them to jump from one page to another without getting lost. Navigation should follow from your Layout in such a way that each link or button leads logically to each destination point while minimizing confusion. While there are many ways of implementing navigation through web pages, be sure that whatever method you choose makes sense with overall user experience in mind. Remember, when designing navigation ask yourself if your links makes sense given what content surrounds them and remember KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). You don’t want an unintuitive navigation system which confuses users just because it looks pretty!


Section 2 – Typography


Good design is more than just having a pretty website. It’s about being user-focused, it’s about usability and accessibility, it’s about building websites that are pleasant to use and are easy on the eyes. Typography plays an important role in achieving these goals – whether you’re designing for print or web. This section will cover everything from font selection to using CSS to make your designs come alive with typographic flair!


Section 3 – Color


Color Theory and Terminology A few days ago, I had a brief chat with someone from my neighborhood. As we were standing on my driveway, I mentioned that our cars looked pretty snazzy for having been through several snow storms over the past few months.


Section 4 – White Space


The space between paragraphs, sentences, words and lines. White space is incredibly important because it allows people to visually process what they’re reading. When you create an amazing paragraph or sentence, don’t let it get lost in a wall of text. Use white space! Let your writing breathe by giving it some room to breath! In short – leave enough empty gaps in your copy so that people can easily scan your content quickly and read any points they want to delve into more deeply.


Section 5 – Contrast


The 5 Elements of Web Design, or the language, can be considered a universal set of rules for building websites.

Here are five basic principles that you should keep in mind when designing your website:

(1) Visual Hierarchy;

(2) Flow;

(3) Contrast;

(4) Alignment; and

(5) Repetition.

These elements have varying degrees to which they apply to a given situation, depending on content and purpose, but these basic principles will ensure consistency across all sites.

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